The Story of: Shadows Of Ourselves
Shadows of Ourselves belongs to my beloved Epiphany Collection and holds a very special place in my heart. They are bold, vibrant and alien - yet empowering and almost guiding.
The other-worldly feel of these pieces really got me thinking of humanity in various perspectives. Mindfulness and growth is very important themes to me but I have always had a fascination for science and history.
I can also share a secret with you if you promise you wont' tell anyone? Promise?
As a child, nothing frightened me more than aliens. I still don't really like sci-fi films or series (ex-files, no thank you...!).
The whole concept of alien species coming to Earth, ripping and raping everything for their own benefit. Brutally abducting living creatures just to make experiments. Bringing chaos and destruction.
It's horrifying thought.
Yet... There's a reason why this has always been the narrative in our human minds.
Have you ever watched a sci-fi film where the alien race saved the planet? Brought something good with them?
No, of course you haven't.
Because how we picture aliens to behave is a mirror image of - us.
We have a hard time imaging aliens being good, kind, peaceful civilization who sail through galaxies with good intentions 'cause we are lacking in all those things.
What would we do if we would find a planet with life? A planet that could make a new home for us? A planet that would have valuable resources that we could benefit from?
We would do exactly all those: invade, experiment and rip. Destroy that ecosystem to make it our own.
That is what we have already done to our own home: The Earth. The only home we have.
Aliens are Shadows of Ourselves - in our imagination.
We are currently living in the age of space travel. Commercial companies are racing who has the biggest rockets (...) and most garbage out there.
Yet there would be so many issues to fix down here. Our home is burning but instead of trying to put that fire out we are running away.
Now, I do enjoy that we are reaching out and trying to unlock some of our universes secrets. I think it gives us perspective. We need that.
But maybe we could use some reminder: Don't be like the aliens in our heads.
Because we can choose. We can choose kindness. Fairness. Respect.
We can choose to be curious but nondisturbing. We can change the narrative.