January & February Round Up: What's Going On!
This was supposed to be a monthly thing but as the beginning of this year has been rather turbulent, let's marry January and fab Feb together. I'm sure they don't mind, their such good pals.
Oh deary deary dear what. a. month.
I had such a high hopes for this month and for once I didn't get the New Years Blues (well, you'll soon find out I just didn't have the time to get them...) but instead I welcomed this year with warmth and kindness. No "this year I'll either make it or die trying". No "faster, harder, (Scooter)".
I promised myself to simply follow the joy and do whatever feels good. Kinda gave myself permission to finally stay in my comfort zone (after spending so many years constantly out of it) and let my nervous system calm down.
Apparently universe had other plans.
Got the stomach flu from hell on the 3rd day. Spent five days mostly lying on a bathroom floor. Contemplating whether this was it. Grrrreeaatt.
Anyways, I survived and got back to work. I'll admit that my good buzz got probably flushed down the toilet with my will to live but I was optimistic I'll find them both soon enough.
And things started working nicely, I was full of anxiety and anger thanks to the news and we all know how excellent fuels they are for any art projects. Stories were a little hard to get out tho so I thought I'll paint.
Off we go to get more canvases and on the way home I apparently forgot where I live: Finland. The land that tries to kill you half of the year.
Slippety slip and there goes mi arm. Spent next days in ER, luckily avoided surgery but no photographing (or many other things like yoga, carrying groceries or cutting bread) for me for the next month(s) until my fractured arm is fully healed.
Double gggrrreeaatt.
Still healing.
But I refuse to be held down so I rather try to see all the positive things: I have had plenty, and I mean plenty, of time to focus on business development.
I've finished my new website (where you currently are, you sneaky devil, welcome!), I've ordered certificates and other packaging materials for you to enjoy, released a completely new collection that wasn't on the books (Gallery Edition), visited art galleries to see potential exhibition spaces... Currently also building my very own virtual gallery!
As I did ditch "traditional social media", I've been settling into Mastodon (loving it there!) and Viewbug (don't know how big part this is going to play in the future but I upload new pieces once in a while).
Just in general got a lot more clarity (always needed) and time to focus on behind the business scenes.
I do miss photographing and I do miss yoga. Or just straightening my arm. Sleeping on my side. Using a knife when eating. But I'll still stand behind the phrase "universe knows what you need, not what you want" - and I needed this time to seriously pause and focus. I don't think I would have done this any other way.
So remember this:
You cannot always choose what happens but you can always choose how you react.
Plans for March?
Well, heal. As it still continues.
Getting my virtual gallery opened for you - and maybe having the first talks about this years physical exhibitions as well...
I'm also in talks with few other (hush hush...) collaboration opportunities soooo... Can't say anything else now but... ;)
Good this sounds annoyingly secretive but sometimes we have those moments where everything is open and moving.
What I can promise and say is that I'll be more active on Mastodon and also in my newsletters (which is kinda my "social media" channel, so if you already haven't joined my lovely community -> do it here, now).
And just enjoy! As I hope you do too!
