The Making Of: The Wisdoms

The Making Of: The Wisdoms

Lately I've had a real fascination for old trees. Part of that is the season: in winter time there's not much life, details nor color in Finnish nature. It's beautiful but very quiet. Very still.

Which let's trees have their moment in the spotlight.

Have you ever stopped and truly studied trees? All the details, signs of life and age. All the hidden wisdom.

Our society values youth over anything, especially with women. We are trained to fear every wrinkle, every sign of any age and maturity from very early on. Girls as young as 15-20 years tries manically prevent wrinkles. Celebrities gets their first facelifts in their late twenties.

I'm not any different.

I've always had a very youthful look, baby face, and people still ask papers even tho I'm almost 40 (not yet but... heading that way). But I'm starting to see changes and I can't lie and say that it doesn't give me... feelings.

But when I look old trees...

I understood something important:

  • Age gives you character
  • It gives you personality and edge
  • It gives you wisdom

Young trees might be vital, full of life but they tend to lack charisma. They are "perfect" but because of that there's not much to capture.

Old trees have signs of wear and tear. There's wholes, scratches, marks and wrinkles. Some have lost half of their trunks - yet they are still standing, growing and living.

This partial tree showed signs of burning: there were huge black parts and the top of it was gone. It looked almost dead; still it hadn't given up.

Tree behind the Wisdoms

Age isn't an enemy.

Age gives you depth. All your wrinkles, scars and marks are signs of life you have lived, experiences and wisdom that can come only from them.

There's a reason why I decided to include both Wisdom I and II to my Fine Art collection:

  • Old age is a privilege. It's a luxury.

It should be valued and appreciated.
I have buried so many dear ones who didn't have the chance to grow old.

Old trees are beautiful - and so are you.

Wisdom I

Wisdom I

Wisdom II

Wisdom II
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